TIP: Sugardoodle has an AWESOME collection of clipart and pictures to make your own flipcharts!!but you probably already knew that...
So, I'm going to be honest, and say that this song is NOT my most favorite. And luckily for me, my presidency feels the same way, so we plan on only doing the first verse. I had a hard time finding visuals that I liked for this song, but found one that came close on Sugardoodle (click here) Like Carrie, my pictures came from the sugardoodle clipart file and MSN clipart, and also the one image (the construction man) by Valerie Gardner.
I wanted more pictures than the one on Sugardoodle, because I have lots of kids in Junior primary that would learn better from lots of pictures, than words. This is my version of the 1st verse for a flip chart HERE to download the file. This is my first attempt at the shared file thing, so let me know if it doesn't work for you, or if you'd rather have the file e-mailed. Here is what they look like.
I think I got this idea from the primusic group, but I can't remember. I'll show them this picture and ask them to tell me what this man does for a job. After they tell me he is a "builder" I'll tell them that this "builder" is also my Dad! (He's so awesome and took this picture for me on Saturday night!)
I'll describe the things he has built, i.e. most of the homes I lived in as a child, other buildings, and now oversees the building of LDS churches and temples in the Texas area.

But that is not all he has built. He helped to build a righteous family. (I'll have the latest picture of all my siblings and their families from out last reunion, and tell them that by being a righteous priesthood holder, having family scripture study and prayer, and being a great example to us, he helped build a firm foundation for each of us to start building our own righteous families. Then I will tell them that we will learn a song about how we can be our own builders of a righteous family.
I will then show them the blackboard with the same visuals from the flipchart, only bigger, separated (only one picture per half sheet of paper) and without words scattered on the board. I'll tell them we need to build this song. We have all the right pieces, but we have to put them together to make our song. I'll sing it through a few times to help them hear the melody, while they look at the pictures and try to figure out the correct order.
(the scattered visuals)
Then, one at a time, I'll call up a "builder" (I'll probably bring my son's toy construction hat) let them wear it, and find the correct picture for each phrase. As we find the pictures to complete each phrase, we'll sing through that phrase a few times. If they get stuck, I'll sing the entire verse to them. If time allows (I'm very lucky to usually have 20+ minutes for singing time) we'll turn over the pictures to help them memorize the verse.
If you want the plain PDF file for my "scattered" visuals, let me know in the comments so I can e-mail it to you. This is NOT the flipchart. Just the pictures without words that my kids will listen to to the song to put them in the correct order. The flipchart is in the link above.
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ReplyDeleteI too would love the PDF file!! (wink!)
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ReplyDeleteI love love love the flip chart you made! Would you mind if I posted the link too it on my site, The Crazy Chorister? I will be using this on for the month of march. Thanks for sharing!
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ReplyDeleteThis is great! Could I get the pdf emailed to me as well. my email is ct7brown at comcast dot net Thanks!
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ReplyDeleteThank you for your ideas. Could you send me a copy of your "scattered" visuals?
ReplyDeleteDana, I will need your e-mail in order to send the file.
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas!
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ReplyDeleteI noticed the board you used to put your visuals. Did you make it yourself and what are the dimensions?
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ReplyDeletethe background to the visuals (the blue and white checkered background) is actually just my table cloth on my kitchen table. I normally just use the blackboard with magnets at the church. :)
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ReplyDeleteThanks much--I get to sub tomorrow and this helped me a ton!
ReplyDeleteAny chance of getting the PDF on the scattered visuals? Thanks.
ReplyDeletepenrod99@gmail.com. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI am a new primary music leader with NO music experience and I really loved your ideas for this song! Please, PLEASE email me the large pictures (not the flip chart) so that I can use this on sunday. Thanks!
I just tried to do the file share thing to get the flip chart for "My Eternal Family" and could not...could you e-mail it to me like the PDF visuals? Thanks!
I would love the PDF visuals. I also tried to link for the flipchart and it didn't work. can i have that emailed to me too? Thanks so much!! I just got called as the primary chorister and can use some help.
thanks for this great idea. I am going to be teaching this song tomorrow. I just have a quick question. This might be a silly question. but when did you first show the kids the flip chart? After you talked about your dad and your family. When you mention to the kids you are going to sing a song about being a builder is that when you showed them the flip chart? Or was it after the activity of putting the scattered pictures together from the blackboard? thanks!!
ReplyDeleteanother question. sorry for the many question. I am really new at this. But about your flip chart, what is it attached to. Do you have it just in a binder and flipping through the pictures that way? Or are they connected by rings? Or do the kids hold the pictures? thanks so much!!
ReplyDeleteI have e-mailed you responses to your questions, just incase you are checking here and not your e-mail for my response.
Can you please email me the PDF? I just got called as chorister and am making visuals for the upcoming program. heatherdroubay@yahoo.com Thank you Thank you! I have looked at tons of flip charts for this song and I loved your's the best!
ReplyDeleteIs there any way to get those visuals still...and also the flipchart? The link says it's not valid anymore?!! Please!! Thanks!
I would love your visuals and as it is a whole year later, they are not available anymore. :0)
ReplyDeleteI was hoping for verse 1 and 2. wendydaw@gmail.com
Thank You.