Show a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and talk about the importance of having a firm foundation. (There is some cool info about the background and building of the tower that talk about how it was built on a weak foundation.)

Then, tell them they will be learning a song about having a different kind of firm foundation. Sing through the first verse with the pianist. I think the melody is a little tricky, so I have faces on sticks that show different ways of singing. For example, to sing "Ahh" they will hold up Ah-dree, to sing Lululu, they will hold up a stick that says "Loo-Loo", and the last one is hum-phrey. The kids can come pick the different faces so you can sing it at least 3 or more time, without having to learn the words.
Next, I'll have this poster on the blackboard with magnets.
Tell the kids that they will be building a foundation as they sing the song. There will be "pieces" scattered on the blackboard (held up by tape or magnets) that they will have to put in the right places. Kind of like a puzzle. One wierd thing, is that they will be starting at the bottom and work there way to the top. Sing through the verse while you point at the different spots on the poster, so they can start to get the idea of where the pieces will go. Then, start with the first line, or the "brick" foundation. After all the bricks are up, review the line a few times. Next, go to the next layer of the foundation, and repeat the process until the verse has been taught. Don't forget to explain tough words such as "refuge", the meaning of "his excellent word", etc.
I would still love to hear any ideas that you may have for teaching this song, especially the second verse! Anyone else having troubles?!
Wow, great idea, I just might do that!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! Question: are you planning on using the same poster for verse 3? If so, I can't wait to see your ideas. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThis is more my style of teaching! thanks for the awesome ides. If you look at and see Michelle from OR's post, she has a neat way of introducing the song. This may not help you since you'll be gone, but if others haven't seen it's a good place for ideas too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! I have been looking for ideas to teach this song in our ward and stumbled across your blog. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great idea. I made this poster and the kids learned the verse really well.
ReplyDeleteAhhh i just got called 2 weeks ago!! the kids hardly know the songs, sooo glad that i found your site thanks for all the ideas