
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May song?

"Apple" left this comment:

"I'm not sure where to post this, but here goes. I have noticed that May is a month that we can pick our own song to teach the children. Mother's Day songs are perfect but I am wondering what other songs choristers are teaching this month. We had a regional conference last week so this will be our first week of Primary for May. I am not sure what to teach. Would love to hear from everyone."

Great Question!
So, what are you teaching for May?

Our primary is doing "Faith" (CS 96)

Isingusing blog posted an awesome teaching idea for the "Fourth Article Of Faith" song. 


  1. Our Ward is doing Baptism p. 100. It also ties in perfectly with next month's song "Holy Ghost".

  2. Our Ward is doing On A Golden Springtime. What a perfect time to talk about the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, and also about Joseph Smith visit by our Father and his Son.

  3. We are doing "Come to the Water" from an old Friend. It is a great song about baptism.

  4. As a request from one of my Primary girls, we're learning "God's Love" (CS #97). Although we can't see the wind, we know it's there. So it is also with the love we feel from our Heavenly Father. A very sweet and simple song that reinforces the principle of faith. Love your blog - thank you for all of the great ideas and resources!

  5. We are doing "I'm Trying to Be like Jesus", which we had been thinking about last year and then in October when Pres. Eyring spoke about the song it sealed the deal.

  6. We are doing the 4th Article of Faith.

  7. We are singing Beautiful Savior, we'll be singing it with our program this year.

  8. We are doing the 4th article of faith and "When I am baptized" (I like to look for rainbows). Both will be in our program this year. Thanks for all the great ideas! I'm new to this calling and your blog has helped so much!

  9. I felt the song, "Choose the Right Way" pg. 160 ties great with the monthly theme and has a true and simple message that will be good to play in their minds! :) I also REALLY APPRECIATE your work and ideas! Thank you!

  10. In our ward, and also my sister-in-law's ward, we're doing "Help me, Dear Father", which ties in with the month's theme.

  11. We are learning "I Have Faith" from The Friend, Oct 2007 and the 1st verse of "I Come to the Water" also found in The Friend, Mar 00. We will continue with the 2nd verse during April as we learn more about the Holy Ghost.

  12. I am blessed to have a wonderful pianist so we're doing a medley of songs: Faith (2nd verse), Repentance, When I am Baptized (2nd verse) and The Still Small Voice. Our primary is familiar with Faith and When I Am Baptized so I'm hoping I can just review those and concentrate on the other 2. I wanted to include all 4 principles and ordinances of the gospel. Thank you also for your wonderful ideas.

  13. Our ward is doing "I Want to Live the Gospel". This is a song that I remember learing as a child, and would love for the "next generation" to know. Even better--it goes along with this months theme!!!

  14. We're doing "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" for our program. Any helpful hints. I couldn't find any in your older posts. Thanks!

  15. We're also doing the '4th Article of Faith,' it encompasses everything we're teaching this month and helps to pass of the articles of faith (which is a goal in our Senior Primary)!

  16. We will be doing a lovely medley of 'Jesus Once was a Little Child' and 'I'm Trying to be Like Jesus'. I found it here:

    I'm looking forward to the spirit this will bring and hopefully I won't cry whilst choristering them.

  17. We are doing Stand for the Rightin the Childrens Song book.

  18. We're learning "I'll Walk With You" CS p. 140
    We have several children in our ward with disabilities--one in a wheelchair, one uses a walking brace and can't communicate very well, and another little girl that has a hard time speaking--so this song seemed appropriate. We're focusing on how treating everyone as a child of God is following the example of our'll lead in nicely to learning "Come Follow Me."
    We started the song last week and the kids picked it up really quickly.

    Thanks so much for this amazing blog--I'm so grateful for the clever ideas!!

  19. We are also doing 4th Article of Faith

  20. We're also doing I Come To The Water (song from Children's Friend), I thought it covered the first principles & ordinances nicely, although it is mainly a baptism song. It has a nice melody (Janice Kapp Perry!)

  21. I am going to teach my primary kids " I will be Valiant"

  22. We are singing "The Family is of God" (our Primary did not sing it for last year's program).

  23. We're singing "Choose the Right Way." The second verse really meshes well with the theme for the month.

  24. (actually Melinda said...) We are singing "I'll Follow Him in Faith"

  25. We are going to do "Where Love is" and that will be the one we sign to as well

  26. We're singing "When I am baptized" a.k.a. "I like to look for rainbows" I love this song and we are talking about ordinances and also leads up to next month's Holy Ghost.

  27. We are singing "Dare to do Right". I loved this one as a kid.

  28. our primary has decided to learn "When I am baptized and also A young man prepared! the girls will sing when I am baptized and the boys the other for the presentation! It should be fun!

  29. I feel my Saviors Love!! I LOVE this song! The kids make me cry everytime!

  30. Our primary is doing "Choose the Right Way" for May, & they have seemed to learn this song quickly, so next Sunday I am getting music time & sharing time to do music so we will be practicing all the songs we have learned up to this point. We will also work on going over two songs for Father's Day as well.

  31. We are learning Dare to do Right. Oldie but haven't heard in Primary for YEARS.

  32. I am teaching the song Faith also. I had the kids draw pictures to go along with the song and then I put it to music and burned a DVD, there's also a sing-along version. I posted it on my blog so the kids can go practice during the week if they want. I hope it goes well!

  33. We are doing "Come, Follow Me" since it is a song we're singing on the program.

  34. We're also learned the Fourth Article of Faith. The seniors picked it up right away, but it's been harder for the juniors. It was perfect for the theme for this month and the primary presidency wants us to learn more of the Article of Faith songs this year. We also learned Faith. I taught the juniors the actions to this song and they learned it very fast.

  35. "When I am baptized" with ribbon wands
