
Saturday, January 16, 2010

January week 3: Reinforcement

I'm SO sorry that I'm getting this out the day before Sunday, but we had a death in the family. Yes, our pet hampster of 2 years, passed away. It's been a little emotional over here, and I just wasn't able to get to this until now.

I found this idea, somewhere...  I'm pretty sure it was on a fellow chorister's blog, but I swear I went through every archive and could not find it. So, to whomever's idea this is, THANK YOU.  Please let me know so I can give you credit!

Anyway, here's the plan:

You take a box (I used a shoe box), place a reward inside (I used Smarties') and wrap it up. Then you attach a bunch of tags with ribbons. The orginal idea [insert name of person who deserves much credit here} was to put the names of all the program songs on the tags, and as the kids mastered each song, they would cut off a tag, getting them closer to finding out what is inside the gift.

I'm modifying this idea just a little, to use it for just ONE song. I placed a phrase or two of January's song "I know my Savior Loves Me" on each gift tag. There are 9 tags total. Here are the linkgs to the tag PDF and WORD Document.  files.

I'm going to start with the Chorus, (all on one tag). We'll work on singing it until we've mastered it. This means, no visuals, and no singing help from me. Once they've got it, I'll call a child up to cut the ribbon with the corresponding tag.

 We will work through the song backwards, starting with the last phrase of the second verse FIRST. That way, we can just add on, singing to the end, and not have to stop the song in awkward places.

I'm not sure if we'll finish in one Sunday, (probably not), so we'll finish the next week if we need to.

We have split Senior and Junior singing time, so I have already pre-cut the ribbon for the Senior Primary, and will just use the same tags.


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Awesome! I am going to give it try! Thanks

  3. I think it came from Divine Secrets of a Primary Chorister. I do love this idea

  4. Wow! That looks SO CUTE! What a beautifully wrapped box! As I kid I would have LOVED this!

  5. Love this idea. I'm going to do it next week.

  6. I love this idea. Thanks for sharing.

  7. You are wonderful! What cute, great ideas! THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing!

  8. Thanks so much for all your wonderful ideas! I'm going to give this a try tomorrow and I'm sure the kids will love it!

  9. Thanks for all your great ideas - even the re-purposed ones like these. With no kids myself and little creativity, it is a relief knowing there are people like you out there to help me keep things fun. I'm using this idea with "I Wonder When He Comes Again" and since my primary discourages treats, I had to come up with an alternative surprise inside. Michaels and Target sell these fun glow-in-the-dark bracelets for cheap and so I'm putting one each inside the box with a picture of Christ. I'm relating it by referencing D&C 6:21, where Christ says he is the light in the darkness. Hopefully it is not too over their heads! Thanks again!
